Vietnamese representative elected as AWG Chairman

Dr. Le Van Tuan, Deputy Director of the Authority of Radio Frequency Management under the Ministry of Information and Communications, has been elected as Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Wireless Group (AWG) for the 2019-2022 term.

The election, which took place during the 25th meeting of the AWG in Indonesia from July 1-5, demonstrates the internationalcommunity’s acknowledgement of Vietnamese experts’ experience in radiocommunication.

This is the first time a Vietnamese representativehas been elected to the position.  Earlier,Vietnam held the role of Vice Chair of the AWG for 2014-2019.

The AWG covers various aspects of emergingwireless systems including IMT/IMT-Advanced to meet upcoming digitalconvergence era in Asia-Pacific. It is assisting the process of providing costeffective radio-communications solutions and facilitating the transfer oftechnology.