Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Hung is the third term chairman of Vietnam Information Security Association

On the morning of September 7, 2019, the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) organized the National Congress of Representatives for the third term (2019-2024). Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung attended and directed the Congress.

Speaking at the event, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung said that the third term of the Vietnam Information Security Association is associated with the acceleration of transformation and development of digital economy, building e-government and the missions of the Association in the coming time must revolve around these goals, promoting the positive role of the Association in the protection of Vietnam in cyberspace.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung

According to the summary report for the second term (2012 – 2019), the number of members participating in the Association has increased by 90%, from 72 up to 138 members. The Association established 3 more professional organizations, namely VNISA Expert Team, Vietnam Cetificate Authentication and Digital Transaction Club, and Vietnam Cyber Security Assessment and Audit Club. During this term, VNISA has joined with the Ministry of Information and Communications and other ministries to actively build and enhance network security to improve Vietnam’s information security ratings. Contribute comments in the process of developing national technical standards in the field of security; directing clubs to gradually build up the Association’s information security criteria and standards. In the immediate future, a basic standard and method of evaluation for electronic invoice safety solution and a basic standard for information security inspection and evaluation services are being developed.

The Association has also done well its role as a bridge between the State agencies, its members and businesses, promoting partnerships with domestic and foreign partners.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Hung was elected Chairman of the VNISA in the third term

On the morning of September 7, members of VNISA formally elected the Executive Committee of the third term including 26 members. Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Hung was elected Chairman of the VNISA in the new term and at the same time there were 12 Vice Chairmen of the Association in this term.

The Association of Information Security determines this is a period to promote the deployment of e-government, smart cities and digital transformation, The role of information security is very important, this is an opportunity and a challenge for organizations in the field of information security. Therefore, the Association said that there would be disruptive and highly practical orientations, attract the participation of the community.

The executive committee of VNISA

The Association will promote activities to attract organizations, businesses and experts operating in the field of information security throughout the country, especially large enterprises to develop the Association; participate in consulting and planning policies on information technology and information security, At the same time, promoting the role of a bridge between businesses, organizations, experts and State management agencies in information security; Improving the quality and effectiveness of the annual Vietnam Information Security Day event to not only build a strong information security community, but also help to further spread and enhance user’s awareness about information security in the community.

The list of executive committee of VNISA

IDNamePosition of
Position – Company
1Nguyen Thanh HungChairmanDeputy Minister of Information and
Communications (MIC)
2Vu Quoc ThanhVice Chairman, General SecretaryChairman of the Board of Directors – Misoft Company
3Ngo Vi DongVice ChairmanChairman of the Board of Directors – HPT Company. Chairman of VNISA Southern branch
4Dang Vu SonVice ChairmanHead – Government Information Security Commission
5Vo Van MaiVice ChairmanMember of the Board of Directors, Senior
Director – HiPT Company
6Le Manh HungVice ChairmanDirector –
State Bank Information Technology
7Nguyen Trung ChinhVice ChairmanChairman of the Board of Directors, General Director– CMC Corporation
8Huynh Quang LiemVice ChairmanDeputy General Director –
VNPT Corporation
9Nguyen Thanh NamVice ChairmanDeputy General Director –
Viettel Corporation
10Nguyen Dai TriVice ChairmanDepartment of Financial Informatics and
Statistics – The Ministry of Finance
11Vu Quoc KhanhVice ChairmanFormer Director of VNCERT – MIC
12Khong Huy HungVice ChairmanCEO of VNCS
13Ngo Tuan AnhVice ChairmanVice Chairman – BKAV Corporation
14Vu The BinhCommissionerGeneral Director – NETNAM Corporation
15Nguyen Huy DungCommissionerDirector of Information Security Department
16Duong The DungCommissionerDirector of the Deparment of Information and Communications Can Tho city
17Duong Anh DucCommissionerDirector of the Deparment of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh city
18Vo Van KhangCommissionerVice Chairman of VNISA Southern branch
19Trinh Ngoc MinhCommissionerSolution Manager of Cisco Vietnam
20Le Minh ManhCommissionerDeputy Director of Department A05 – Ministry of Public Security
21To Hong NamCommissionerDeputy Director – ICT Department – Mistry of Education and Training, Viet Nam
22Tran Thi Kim  PhuongCommissionerChief of VNISA office
23Nguyen Quang  ThanhCommissionerDirector of the Deparment of Information and Communications of Da Nang city
24Nguyen Chi ThanhCommissionerDirector of Institute of Information
Security Technology – VNISA
25Pham Viet TrungCommissionerDeputy Commander – Cyber Command 86
26Duong Dung TrieuCommissionerChairman of the Board of Directors – FPT Information System (FPT IS)