1. VNISA meeting 2021 (April 2021)
On an annual basis, Vietnam Information Security Association holds a “VNISA Meeting”. This is an opportunity to exchange, meet and express the thanks of VNISA to our members, members of the Executive Committee, state management agencies and to our partners whom has cooperated and supported the Association in 2020. At the upcoming meeting in April 2021, VNISA will summarize 2020 activities, initiate 2021 work plan and discuss programs, activities coordination with relevant agencies and organizations
On this occasion, the Association will commend and reward organizations and individuals who actively participated in VNISA’s activities in 2020 and organize admission ceremonies for new members

2. Pupils Contest on Information Security 2021 (Jun to Sep 2021)
VNISA coordinates with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Authority of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications), Department Of Child Affairs (Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs), organizations and enterprises to organize the online contest “pupils and information security 2021” to raise awareness and complementary skills for pupils about ensuring cyber security.

3. VNISA Cyber Security Adwards 2021 (Jun to Nov 2021)
This is the 6th time that Vietnam’s Information Security Products and Services Program has been held by VNISA. This activity is organized and sponsored by the Ministry of Information and Communications, VNISA presides over and coordinates with the Authority of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications).

This year, VNISA will have a new voting category to be the Top 5 impressive Vietnamese Information Security enterprises.

4. ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security 2021 (Sep to Nov 2021)
This is an unique competition on Information Security for students of universities and colleges in the ASEAN. Consisting of completely online and online concentrated exam, the contest will attract the participation of more than 120 teams from universities and colleges in Vietnam and an estimated 50 teams from universities of ASEAN countries. The contest has 3 rounds: Starting, Qualifying and Final. Teams with leading prizes will receive certificates of merit from the Minister of Education and Training and other awards from VNISA.
2021 is the fourteenth time the competition has been held annually in Vietnam and the third time the competition has expanded to ASEAN countries. The contest is hosted by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) in coordination with the ICT Department (Ministry of Education and Training) and the Authority of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications), under the patronage of Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Information and Communications.

5. Vietnam Information Security Day 2021 (Nov 2021)
As the largest and most prominent forum in Vietnam in 2021, this Conference will contribute to promoting safe and secured cyber activities for the national digital transformation, especially digital government and digital economy. This is also an opportunity to introduce and promote Vietnam’s information security products and services ecosystem.

The Conference includes plenary opening session in the morning, two seminars in the afternoon; Dedicated Information Security technology presentation area and 30 technologies, services introductory booth . The Conference is expected to attract more than 1000 visitors and 1500 online participants (including 05 ASEAN countries).

It will be the 14th annual event, hosted by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA), in coordination with the Information Security Department (Ministry of Information and Communications), under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communication.

6. VNISA Open Golf 2021 (November 2021)
VNISA is going to organize this activity for the second time to connect golf lovers and promote Association’s activities. This will be a social gathering for leaders, members of VNISA and guests, partners of state agencies, organizations, businesses . . . with VNISA Golf Club as the building block.